When it comes to replacing your missing teeth, there’s nothing that performs quite as well as dental implants. Designed to mimic the function and appearance of natural teeth, implants outlast all other forms of prosthetic options available in modern dentistry (such as dentures and partials.) Because they’re non-invasive to adjacent teeth, dental implants are a healthier alternative to conventional fixed bridges, which require altering healthy tooth structure for support. When placed, the mouth forms new bone to integrate around the artificial “root,” stabilizing it as if it were a natural one. Approximately 98% of dental implants last for the rest of our patients’ lives.
Our Chicago, IL holistic dental practice partners with a trusted oral surgeon who places all dental implants here at our practice, so there’s no need to refer you to another facility off-site. Dr. Lopez then designs and places your fixed restoration, such as a ceramic crown, bridge, or stabilized denture. You can choose between traditional biocompatible and allergen-free titanium or ceramic implant designs for areas that are more visible when you smile. Depending on how many teeth you are replacing, we also have different restorative options that we can design for you.
If you’re feeling anxious about your procedure, we offer comfortable sedation dentistry to help you relax. This can allow you to get the dental care you need while feeling completely comfortable. We offer local anesthetic and oral sedation. For oral sedation we will provide you with a prescription for a mild sedative pill that you take about an hour before your appointment. If you are interested in sedation options, please let us know during your appointment