When you imagine a smile makeover, more than likely not it includes porcelain veneers. These thin cosmetic restorations mask the teeth behind them, instantly changing the shape, size, and color of what is visible when you smile. They’re a vital part of most cosmetic dentistry cases we provide in our Chicago, IL practice.
Veneers can be customized to the preferences and natural oral anatomy of our patients. We frequently combine them with other cosmetic dentistry services, such as teeth whitening, gum recontouring, and porcelain crowns. In as few as 2-3 trips to our Chicago, IL holistic dental practice, you can have an entirely new smile. After the planning, preparation, and final placement of your porcelain veneers, your smile will undergo a complete transformation into something that can change not just your appearance, but also your lifestyle and personality. Eliminating the embarrassment and self-conscious emotions associated with oral health problems can open new doors, relationships, and professional opportunities.
Cosmetic veneers are thin shells of porcelain that our holistic dentist bonds to the front of the teeth that are visible when you smile (usually anywhere from 6-10 teeth total.) Unlike functional restorations, this cosmetic treatment serves a primarily aesthetic purpose. We recommend using them instances of:
Investing in dental veneers can dramatically transform the way your smile looks without undergoing lengthy or more complex procedures. Most porcelain veneer makeovers can be completed in just a few appointments over the course of about a month. If you’re plagued by embarrassment because of the way your teeth look, then this unique cosmetic dentistry procedure can be one of the best investments you’ve ever made in yourself.